Messages From Father Steve

Messages From Father Steve

The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time October 6, 2024

Posted by Nancy Carrizales on 10/04/24

As a young pastor years ago, I met with a middle-aged couple who had been divorced and civilly remarried. They were frustrated that an annulment had to precede a Church marriage. Sympathizing with their plight, I promised to walk with them along their journey. Once as we sat in ... Read More »

The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 22, 2024

Posted by Nancy Carrizales on 9/21/24

Please help with our need for more vocations to the priesthood!  

For the past few weeks, we have been invited to pray about vocations to the priesthood.  Hopefully, by now, a name or two has come to mind and on your heart. You may wonder why or what ... Read More »

The Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Nancy Carrizales on 9/14/24

This morning I received a text message that a member of my extended family will likely die of cancer within the next few hours. His name is Luke. He is a 45-year-old husband and father of six. Though I am not as close to him as my sister (she ... Read More »

The Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time August 25, 2024

Posted by Nancy Carrizales on 8/23/24

This Sunday’s Gospel concludes the Bread of Life Discourse in Chapter 6 of John’s Gospel, with Peter’s faith statement and rhetorical question:  Lord, to Whom Shall we go? You have the words of everlasting life!

In a sense, it echoes the response of the Israelites in our first reading from ... Read More »

The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 18, 2024

Posted by Nancy Carrizales on 8/17/24

As you may know, over the last few weeks the cover articles for our bulletin have been covering chapter six of John’s Gospel – Jesus is the Bread of Life. Also known as the Bread of Life Discourse

This week, however, I want to interrupt this series with some ... Read More »

The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Nancy Carrizales on 8/09/24

We are now midway through Chapter 6 of John’s Gospel, which is also known as the Bread of Life Discourse. We have heard that Jesus fed the five thousand with five loaves of bread and two fish. However, that was not enough for the people. They wanted more! Jesus ... Read More »

The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Nancy Carrizales on 8/03/24

Last week we began five weeks of reading St. John’s Gospel, Chapter 6. We heard about the feeding of the five thousand by Jesus with bread and fish, with plenty leftover. We also heard from the Book of Kings that Elisha, the prophet, fed one hundred people from twenty ... Read More »

The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 28, 2024

Posted by Nancy Carrizales on 7/26/24

This Sunday we begin reading Chapter 6 of John’s Gospel, referred to as the Bread of Life Discourse. During these next five weeks, we will be covering in bulletin articles as well as homilies, about various aspects of the Mass. A preview of the readings:

Today’s Gospel is one ... Read More »

The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 14, 2024

Posted by Nancy Carrizales on 7/20/24

Once I asked a fallen-away Catholic friend of mine what he remembered about the parish priest from his youth. He said, “He was a gentle, nice guy. Kind of vanilla. Kept to himself.” It struck me that he, perhaps like many, perceive Catholic priests as the following: lonely, harmless, ... Read More »

The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 23, 2024

Posted by Nancy Carrizales on 6/22/24

Right now, you and I are only worried about one of only two things: wind or water. Bear with me. This week we hear the account ofthe terrified disciples waking Jesus in a seastorm. He chastises them for their lack of faith, and then, “rebuking the wind, he said ... Read More »


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