Lay Ministries
All are welcome and encouraged to serve on one of our lay ministries. Service enhances the CCNCC community while giving you a chance to be more involved in your church. Your involvement will result in a greater sense of what it means to be a Catholic and the opportunity to meet and work with fellow parishioners. We hope you will consider serving on one of the following ministries. For additional information on the following ministries or other ways to get involved, click here to email us or call 518-758-9401.
Altar ServerA great way for our young parishioners to gain a sense of being a part of the Catholic Church. Boys and girls in grade 3 and above and have received their First Holy Communion assist the Priest during the liturgy. BereavementThe members of the Bereavement Ministry, as a part of the Faith Community of the CCNCC, gather together with the family and friends of a deceased Christian to share in their grieving process as they remember and celebrate the life of the deceased in the context of prayer and Christ's love. Extraordinary Eucharistic MinistersThis ministry assists the priest during Mass at the time of Communion and also brings Communion to parishioners who are unable to come to mass. New members are welcome. LectorAt every Mass, parishioners proclaim the word of the Bible using a book called the Lectionary. A "Workbook for Lectors and Gospel Readers" is provided so that the Lector can become familiar with the Scripture prior to proclaiming it to the congregation. GreeterCCNCC is a Welcoming community. What better way to show this to parishioners and visitors than to be met at Masses with a friendly smile and a “Welcome". Volunteers assist people to their seats if necessary and take up the collection.
Pastoral CareThe Visitation and Bereavement Committees serve not only parishioners but others. The Visitation Eucharist Ministers give Holy Communion to persons who are home-bound and to patients in local nursing homes. HospitalitySeveral parish coffee hours are held each year, as well as special parish events. Help is needed by way of food donations and serving during these events. Buildings & Grounds CommitteeThis ministry assists the Pastor in the management of the physical properties of the church buildings and grounds. The committee is responsible for the maintenance and improvement of the parish facilities. Other OpportunitiesIn addition to the above, there are other ministries on which you can serve. The Haiti committee helps raise funds for our sister parish. There are those who decorate the church for regular Masses and on special occasions. So whatever your interest is, there is an opportunity for you to serve. All are invited to help strengthen the CCNCC and the surrounding community. |