Christmas Giving

Giving Trees at our Three Parishes


St John the Baptist

For over 30 years, the parishioners of St. John the Baptist have generously supported local families through the Bethlehem Tree. This year, the tree will be up and tagged by Saturday, November 30th. You can take a tag to shop for a gift, donate a gift card to Target, or cash and the Bethlehem helpers will shop for you. Please return all gifts unwrapped with the original tag by Sunday, December 11th. All are invited to sort and bag our gifts on Saturday, December 14th at 10 AM. Please contact Connie or Ruth Ellen.

St. James

Our Giving Tree at St. James was filled with tags on November 30 at St. James. WRAPPED gifts with the tags attached should be returned by Dec. 15 in time for distribution before the school's vacation begins. Your gift will help to bring a bright Christmas to young students, needy elderly, social work clients, and a few family members in our

St. Joseph

The Church of St. Joseph has received the gift tag information from Catholic Charities. Tags and instructions are available on the Giving Tree in the gathering space. Any questions, please call/text Nancy Leonard (518) 821-8651 or Sharon Getty (518) 929-4448.

St. James Parish

“Adopt-A-Family” During the holidays St. James OutReach matches volunteer donors with recipient families to help families in need. The commitment is at the discretion of the donors. Sometimes food for a nice breakfast on Christmas morning is provided; sometimes gifts for each child or family member are provided. If you would like to participate in our Adopt-A-Family program, please call OutReach at (518) 929-


Annual Christmas Food Drive

The annual Christmas Food Drive to benefit the Chatham and Ghent food pantries is underway through December 21. If you would like to contribute, please write a check payable to either pantry (memo: Food Drive) and place it in the collection basket, or mail it to St. James Church, 129 Hudson Avenue, Chatham, NY 12037. We will forward all donations to the designated pantry.


Help our Seminarians!
¡Ayuda a nuestros seminaristas!

We will be collecting Gift Cards for our seminarians again this year. Although their tuition, room and board are paid for by the diocese, seminarians receive little else in financial support during the year. A gift card to a local gas station or pharmacy or Target for $5, $10, $15 or $20 can be very helpful for them. Please place the gift card(s) in an
envelope marked for Fr. Steve - Seminarian Christmas Fund and he will ensure that each seminarian receives the same amount. (A word of encouragement and prayer is also much appreciated.) Each of our three parishes are collecting for our seminarians and gift cards can be placed in the collection basket, under the Giving or Bethlehem Tree, or
dropped off at the office. Thank you for your generosity! God Bless.