The change to Family Formation means that we learn together to be disciples of Jesus and saints in the making. Each family receives a copy of Celebrating Sunday for Catholic Families, a simple weekly guide to the Gospel that includes a reflection and opportunity to engage the entire family in living the Gospel message.
Families without a copy of the annotated Bible series from St. Mary's Press are supplied with one that is appropriate for the age of your children: The Catholic Children's Bible (K - 4), Break Through! (5 - 8), or The Catholic Youth Bible (HS). This Bible series is one that helps those of us who are not theologians or Biblical Scholars understand what the writers of the Old and New Testaments were writing about all those years ago.
Grades K-8
For the school year, families with children in grades K - 8 receive catechist-created materials each month with a focus on a different Sacrament. This family catechesis approach allows families to learn together at home, exploring their faith through word and action.
Grades 9 - 10
Young people and their families meet once a month on Sunday evening, beginning with Mass at 5:30 pm. A light supper formation for young people and their parents following Mass.