The grounds are open from dawn until dusk from April 1st through December 1st. Roads are not plowed during the winter months. The Cemetery is not responsible for damages incurred by entry into the Cemetery during the months of November through April.
Please help us keep the cemetery a safe, orderly, and respectful place.
Plot Care:
All decorations brought in, must be removed, and brought out of cemetery grounds by the decorator. The Cemetery reserves the right to remove flowers, wreaths, or other decorations from plots as soon as they become unsightly or if deemed inappropriate. This includes embellishments on the plot, effigy, or inscriptions which in the opinion of the church are unsightly or dangerous, including flowers.
The Cemetery reserves the right to prohibit the planting of any trees, shrubs, or flowers over 24 inches and to remove any of these plantings. Attempts to contact the next of kin will be made. Flowers may be displayed in planters.
Glass of any kind, crushed stone, marble, or wood chips, fencing, and benches on plots are prohibited.
Only three decorations should be placed on a plot per season, and are placed there at the plot owner's risk. The Parish and Cemetery are not responsible for damage done to decorations, markers, or monuments, etc.
Corner posts, railing, fencing, hedges, plantings, etc. are prohibited.
Ground Maintenance:
All work done in the Cemetery shall be done by Church employees under the control or with the permission of the Cemetery Manager and Pastor. Volunteers are always welcome to join us on seasonal “Clean-Up Days.”
Rules & Regulations:
Complete Rules and Regulations may be viewed here.
A current Pricing schedule is available here.