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Tri-parish Singers Needed!

A tri-parish choir is being formed to provide choral music for the liturgies of Holy Week. If you like to sing and can carry a tune please
volunteer your time and energy to this Lenten effort. Rehearsals will be on three Wednesdays in March - 15, 22, and 29, 7pm - 9pm. This choir will sing at all three parish churches on Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday. Please call the parish office at (518) 758-9401 or email to sign up.

The First Sunday of Lent

As you know, this past Wednesday we had the opportunity to receive ashes as the Holy Season of Lent started.  There are three disciplines to this season: Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving. This week, I’d like to focus in on the prayer aspect of Lent. 

In our Family Faith Formation sessions this school year, we have been learning about the different types of prayer.  I’d like to point out some of them and perhaps some others that are available in our three churches this Lent.  They include Praying the Rosary with others, Sitting in Silent Adoration of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, walking the Stations of the Cross with others in our community, spending six minutes a day reading and praying with the reflections in the Little Black Book, Bible Study, Daily Mass (Monday evenings, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings), as well as other types of prayer. Please note that the Stations of the Cross are offered in English and in Spanish.  Please see inside for the times and locations when we will pray together in English, Spanish or when there will be bilingual services or masses. 

In the bulletin for the next two weeks, we’ll read about different ways of fasting and the discipline of almsgiving. 

Perhaps you may want to set a reminder sometime during the day to pray for the troubled areas of our world, all the intentions in our books of prayer requests in our three churches and for each other in the CCNCC.  May it be a prayerful and fruitful Lent for us all! 




Como saben, este pasado miércoles tuvimos la oportunidad de recibir cenizas al iniciarse el Tiempo Santo de Cuaresma. Hay tres disciplinas en esta temporada: orar, ayunar y dar limosna. Esta semana, me gustaría centrarme en el aspecto de oración de la Cuaresma.

En nuestras sesiones de Formación de Fe Familiar este año escolar, hemos estado aprendiendo sobre los diferentes tipos de oración. Me gustaría señalar algunos de ellos y quizás algunos otros que están disponibles en nuestras tres iglesias esta Cuaresma. Incluyen Rezar el Rosario con otros, Sentarse en Adoración Silenciosa de la Presencia Real de Jesús en el Santísimo Sacramento, caminar las Estaciones de la Cruz con otros en nuestra comunidad, pasar seis minutos al día leyendo y orando con los reflejos en el Little Black. Libro, Estudio Bíblico, Misa diaria (lunes por la noche, miércoles, jueves y viernes por la mañana), así como otros tipos de oración. Tenga en cuenta que las Estaciones de la Cruz se ofrecen en inglés y en español. Consulte el interior para conocer los horarios y lugares en los que oraremos juntos en inglés, español o cuando habrá servicios o misas bilingües.

En el boletín de las próximas dos semanas, leeremos sobre diferentes formas de ayunar y la disciplina de la limosna.

Tal vez desee establecer un recordatorio en algún momento durante el día para orar por las áreas problemáticas de nuestro mundo, todas las intenciones en nuestros libros de peticiones de oración en nuestras tres iglesias y unos por otros en el CCNCC. ¡Que sea una Cuaresma orante y fructífera para todos nosotros!

A Prayer Request

Friday, January 27, 2023

As you may know, there was a young man, Tyre Nichols who died after an incident with the police in Memphis Tennessee.  The video of the actions of both the young man and the police officers involved will be released tonight at 6 pm (Central Time), 7 pm (Eastern Time) and from what I’ve read, it is very graphic.  Let us pray for the soul of the Tyre and for those who mourn his loss.  

Tyre's mother, Row Vaughn Wells, called the video “horrific” and echoed the police chief, saying: “I want each and every one of you to protest in peace. I don’t want us burning up our cities, tearing up the streets, because that's not what my son stood for." 

May I ask that around 7 pm you pause and pray for peace and calm with all protestors.  While there are many different prayers and ways to choose from, I am suggesting all of us in the CCNCC to pray the words of the “Prayer of St. Francis” listed below. 

Thank you and God bless, 

Fr. Steve 

Peace Prayer of Saint Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


Oración por la paz (San Francisco de Asís)

Señor, haz de mí un instrumento de tu paz.
Que allá donde hay odio, yo ponga el amor.
Que allá donde hay ofensa, yo ponga el perdón.
Que allá donde hay discordia, yo ponga la unión.
Que allá donde hay error, yo ponga la verdad.
Que allá donde hay duda, yo ponga la Fe.
Que allá donde desesperación, yo ponga la esperanza.
Que allá donde hay tinieblas, yo ponga la luz.
Que allá donde hay tristeza, yo ponga la alegría.

Maestro, que yo no busque tanto ser consolado, cuanto consolar,
ser comprendido, cuanto comprender,
ser amado, cuanto amar.
Porque es dándose como se recibe,
es olvidándose de sí mismo como uno se encuentra a sí mismo,
es perdonando, como se es perdonado,
es muriendo como se resucita a la vida eterna.

Thank You! / ¡Gracias!

Liturgies and Church Preparation

Thank you to all who helped make our Christmas Eve and Day liturgies as special as they were. There were many who helped prepare our three churches, including the volunteers who cleaned and decorated each church. Special appreciation to those who shared their time and talents as musicians, lectors, ushers, and Eucharistic Ministers. sacristans and welcome table ministers, greeters, stewards, and those who helped serve behind the scenes in any way! Gracias to those who helped at the bilingual or Spanish masses. A great shout out to Fr. Gary, Pastor Emeritus of St. James for leading us in prayer on Christmas Eve! We also appreciate all those who helped with the worship aids and labeling the book(lets) given out to all who came to church on Christmas Eve or Day. Last but not least, thank you to all the staff of the CCNCC, Debbie, Ruth Ellen, Beth, Peggy, Barbara, Dave, and Larry. We couldn’t do it without you! Thank you all! I’m sure all of our visitors and mass participants were pleased with how welcome you all made them feel!

Liturgias y Preparación de la Iglesia

Gracias a todos los que ayudaron a que nuestras liturgias de Nochebuena y Día de Navidad fueran tan especiales como lo fueron. Hubo muchos que ayudaron a preparar nuestras tres iglesias, incluidos los voluntarios que limpiaron y decoraron cada iglesia. Agradecimiento especial a aquellos que compartieron su tiempo y talento como músicos, lectores, ujieres y Ministros Eucarísticos. ¡sacristanes y ministros de mesa de bienvenida, saludadores, mayordomos y aquellos que ayudaron a servir detrás de escena de cualquier manera! Gracias a los que ayudaron en las misas bilingües o en español. Un gran saludo al P. ¡Gary, Pastor Emérito de St. James por guiarnos en oración en la víspera de Navidad! También agradecemos a todos los que ayudaron con las ayudas de adoración y etiquetando los libros que se entregaron a todos los que asistieron a la iglesia en la víspera o el día de Navidad. Por último, pero no menos importante, gracias a todo el personal de CCNCC, Debbie, Ruth Ellen, Beth, Peggy, Barbara, Dave y Larry. ¡No podríamos hacerlo sin ti! ¡Gracias a todos! ¡Estoy seguro de que todos nuestros visitantes y participantes masivos quedaron complacidos con la bienvenida que les hicieron sentir! 

Good Works in Our Community

Christmas and New Year’s present an opportunity to share the many blessings we have received. Whether it is time, treasure or
talent, each of us has gifts we can bring to others in our churches and broader communities.

Please consider how you might volunteer this coming year with one of the many groups and ministries at our Catholic Community
of Northern Columbia County parishes. If you see a need in our community that is not being met, please contact Fr. Steve, anyone
in our office, and/or your parish trustees to discuss further. Fuller descriptions of these ministries are also available on our website,
ccnccparishes.org. These can be wonderful ways to live the Gospel by serving others while making new friends in our tri-parish

To get involved, please contact your parish office, who will put you in touch with each ministry or committee contact listed below.
This list is a work in progress, so if your name or committee is missing, please email sjofficeassistant@gmail.com and we will update
our database.

Please come and share the gift of YOU in 2023!

Church & Sacramental Ministries

* Betty Sundstrom: St. James
* Stan Olender: St. John the Baptist
* Carol Qualtieri: St. Joseph

Eucharistic Ministers
* Regina Boyce: St. John the Baptist
* Amy Clifford: St. James
* Carol Qualtieri: St. Joseph

Altar Servers:
* Paula Ptazsek: St. James
* Connie Smith: St. John the Baptist

* Carman Esposita: St. Joseph
* Mickey Dennis: St. James
* Regina Boyce: St. John the Baptist

* Mickey Dennis: St. James
* Carol Qualtieri: St. Joseph
* Connie Smith: St. John the Baptist

* Pat Jaffarian & Bob Boll: St. John
the Baptist
* Barbara Haywood: St. James
* Chris & Carman Esposita: St.

Welcome Ministries & Table:
* Barbara Haywood: St. James
* Carol Qualitieri: St. Joseph
* Connie Smith: St. John the Baptist

Prayer & Worship:
* Chris Esposita: St. Joseph

* Donna Bertrand: St. John the
* Beth Lenahan: St. James
* Carol Qualtieri & Roxana Moran:
St. Joseph

* Fr. Steve Matthews

Annulment Information:
* Fr. Steve Matthews

* Sue Delp: St. John the Baptist
* Mickey Dennis: St. James
* Carol Qualtieri: St. Joseph

Family Formation & Youth Ministry:
* Ruth Ellen Berninger: CCNCC
* Roxana Moran: Spanish Community

* Ruth Ellen Berninger: CCNCC

Home Visitation:
* Dee Winkler: St. James

Parish Committees Trustees:
* Stan Olender & Connie Smith: St.
John the Baptist
* Carman Esposita & Martha Pizza:
St. Joseph
* Mickey Dennis: St. James

Pastoral Council Chairs:
* Edgar Acevedo: St. James
* Andrea Horowitz: St. John the Baptist
* Dianne Ives: St. Joseph

Finance Committee Chairs:
* Brian Fay: St. John the Baptist
* Phil Mossman: St. James
* Cheryl Trowbridge: St. Joseph

Buildings & Grounds Chairs:
* Tom Holliday: St. James

* Mickey Dennis: St. James
* Lois Dysard: St. Joseph
* Connie Smith: St. John the Baptist

* Barbara Berger: CCNCC

Communications & Media:
* Beth Lenahan: CCNCC
* Nancy Carrizales (website): St. James
* Aaron McGuirk (video): St. John
the Baptist

* Donna Piche & Rosemarie Siegel:
St. James
* Peter Bogarski: St. Joseph
* Stephanie Caradine & Paula Rivenberg: St. John the Baptist

Nuestra Comunidad Hispana:
* Roxana Moran: St. Joseph Social Ministries

The Elves:
* Nanci Moriarity: St. John the Baptist

Caring Cards:
* Chris Mrynec: St. John the Baptist

Prayer Shawls:
* Mary Yates: St. John the Baptist

* Denise Barry: St. James
* Ruth Ellen Berninger: St. John the

Haiti Committee:
* Pat Dieffenbach & Paula Ptazsek:
St. James

Food Pantry at St. Joseph:
* Anne McGowan & Nancy Leonard

Interests and Activities

Knights of Columbus:
* Dick Draper: St. John the Baptist
* Steve Trantel: St. James
* Douglas Park: St. Joseph

Book Groups/St. James:
* Morning group: Dee Winkler
* Afternoon group: Marie Orlando

Preschool at St. Joseph/Stuyvesant Falls:
* Holly Taylor

The Colbert House Committee:
* Barbara Haywood & Janis Wallace:
St. James

Christmas Flowers

We invite you to consider making a donation towards Christmas Flowers in memory of a loved one this Advent. Please write the name of your loved one(s) on one of the “Christmas Flower Offering” envelopes that will be available n our three churches and return it in the collection basket or mail it to your parish office. We will remember their names in all masses during the Christmas Season.

Catholic Campaign for Human Development Collection.

Second Collection
November 19/20, 2022

For more than 50 years, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) has supported organizations that combat poverty and improve the lives of people in communities across the United States. From empowering immigrants in towns along the southern
border to advocating for improved housing and educational opportunities in northern and midwestern cities, CCHD-funded groups tackle a wide range of economic and social justice challenges that affect local communities in rural and urban areas. Please prayerfully consider how you can support this collection and work on the margins. More information about the Catholic Campaign for Human Development can be found at www.usccb.org/cchd/collection.

St. James Church Spiritual and Faith Center at the Colbert House

Dear Parishioners,

Giving and gratitude are two unshakeable pillars of faith. Chapter 3, verses 3:9 of the Book of Proverbs states “Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine.”

For many decades, St. James Church has been the hub of the community and its communicants relied on the church’s programs, outreach, and events to enrich their lives. Over the past several years, St. James has lost many individuals and families due primarily to the Covid lockdown resulting in people fearful to return to regular mass attendance, but also to changes in mass schedules, other changes that have occurred within the church, and the changing demographics of the area.

Attached please find a new Mission and Vision for the Colbert House (previously the rectory). This new mission and vision are an opportunity for the St. James community to revitalize the parish and parish life. The new mission and vision could help us continue making a difference in many people’s lives and can be a wonderful opportunity to build a stronger community within our church. The Committee continues to work on the evolving list of acceptable uses of the Colbert House.

As you may know (or be aware), St. James is pleased to be able to pursue this new mission and vision going forward. However, in order to support these endeavors of the Colbert House, we will be required to fund all expenses related to the Colbert House independently from regular Church funds. Thus, there is the need to develop a strong and varied fundraising program to ensure there are adequate funds to support all of the proposed activities at the Colbert House. These fundraising efforts will determine the future viability for the Colbert House over the longer term.

The Colbert House committee has determined that the primary fundraising activity will be an annual campaign. This campaign will be supplemented by other various fundraising events throughout the year. The annual fundraising goal will be determined by the committee and be based on historical expenses plus reserve requirements and required major repairs and/or renovations. The annual fiscal period will be the same as the Church fiscal year which is July thru June.

The fundraising goal for the first year is $25,000. This will fund normal operating expenses such as utility costs, insurance, repairs, property maintenance and begin to build a cash reserve that will be utilized for the future. The established goal is based on projected normal operating expenses of approximately $18,500 and a reserve account target of $6,500.

The initial annual campaign is scheduled to kick-off on Sunday November 6, 2022 following the morning mass. Refreshments will be served in the gathering space and Colbert House committee members will be available to accept your completed donor forms with a one-time donation, pledge or indication that you will be donating via the Church’s online giving application. Please consider pledging if this will allow you to contribute a larger amount that can be paid over time. In addition, committee members will be available in the Colbert House to provide a short tour of the building for anyone interested in doing so. Also, an envelope for mailing your donor form and donation will be made available for those who cannot attend the kick-off or prefer this method. Additional details and reminders for the kick-off event will be forthcoming in future weekly bulletins.

Available for download for your use is a Colbert House Donor/Supporter Form that we ask each donor to complete and submit with their donation. This will allow for easier tracking and recording of all donations. A listing of donors (names only, no dollar amounts) to this initial appeal will be published at a future date. If you wish to remain anonymous, please check the appropriate box on the Donor/Supporter Form.

Historically, the St. James community has been very responsive to becoming partners financially so that a vision and mission can be fulfilled. There are numerous examples of this generosity but the most significant was the Church renovation project that occurred in the mid-1990’s. The Colbert House committee is asking our community to be financial partners again to fulfill a new mission and vision for the Colbert House. Please consider making a donation, no matter the size, to help achieve our goal!

Sincerely in Christ,

The Colbert House Committee

Welcome Fr. Larry Jerge

Welcome Fr. Larry Jerge (pronounce YER gee).  As you may know, for the last 18 months or so, we have had two priests of the Holy Cross (who are bilingual) help at Saint Joseph’s Church in Stuyvesant Falls with the Spanish mass on Sundays.  They have now been joined by Fr. Larry (who does not speak Spanish).  Their community’s residence is in Valatie.  The three priests live with a handful of Brothers who are mainly retired from active duty.  Fr. Larry has graciously offered to assist us in our One Faith Community from time to time.  Please introduce yourself when you see him.  (I’m sure he has lots of stories to tell from his many years of ministry.)  Please note that Fr. Gary is still helping us most weeks. Thanks, Fr Gary and Welcome Fr. Larry! 

Colbert House Update

The Steering Committee met with Fr. Bob Longobucco (Vicar General of the Diocese) earlier this week to discuss the proposed plan to retain possession of The Colbert House. 

As a result of this meeting, we are pleased to announce that St. James will not be required to sell the house at this time and may proceed with the implementation of the plan outlined in the report in conjunction with the listing of proposed uses that continues the Evangelization of the people of Northern Columbia County. 

Fr. Bob was impressed with the work of the Committee, raised several questions that were answered and made several suggestions for consideration.  The full Committee will be meeting in the near future to begin the implementation phase of the plan and will provide more information as it becomes available.

If you are interested in finding out more or getting involved in any way, the Committee can be reached by email.

Thanks to all who have been so helpful in collaborating on this project!