Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina is a scripture-centered prayer that's all about listening to the Word of God, and reflecting on a phrase - or even a single word - that jumps out at you as you listen closely to the reading. We will listen to the reading twice, so you will have time to reflect on the narrative, word choices, and deeper meaning of each scripture. 

You might ask yourself:

  1. What word or phrase emerged most powerfully for me from this reading?
  2. What thought or feeling did that word evoke?
  3. How did my understanding of this scripture change after hearing the reading?
  4. As I listen to others share their impressions, what am I learning about the different ways God speaks to us through scripture?
  5. How can I apply the insights gained in this session to my prayer and everyday life?


Please focus your "sharing" in the group discussion to just that word or phrase. Lectio Divina is distinct from "Bible Study" and more scholarly and analytical approaches to God's Word. Nor is it a springboard for a bigger discussion of theology, or current events... Lectio Divina at its best is an intimate, reflective group prayer that centers on the way God is speaking to each of us. We hope you will enjoy this unique and prayerful way of listening to God's call.


Join us as Father Steve leads a series of Lenten Lectio Divina on Zoom

Zoomkeeping notes

  1. We want to keep our focus on listening and prayerful sharing, we will begin our session within minutes of 7PM, and will close the zoom session to latecomers to minimize interruptions. Please try to be as prompt as you possibly can.
  2. We will mute everyone as the scripture is being read. We appreciate everyone minimizing background noise during the session
  3. Video is optional. Since this is primarily a listening faith session, some may prefer to stop their video so they can focus on the prayer. If using your video, please stop it if you need to move around your room or home. 
  4. We do not recommend driving while you are joining this session. If you are in a car, please call in on your phone using the phone dial-in credentials. If using the zoom app on your phone while in the car, please stop the video and only use audio.

Monday, March 7, 2022  7:00 PM
Monday, March 14, 2022 7:00 PM
Monday, March 21, 2022 7:00 PM
Monday, March 28, 2022 7:00 PM
Monday, April 4, 2022 7:00 PM
Monday, April 11, 2022 7:00 PM

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