"The value of persistent prayer is not that God will hear us, but that we will finally hear God.”
The Beginning is Near!
Advent 2023 begins on December 3 and is an opportunity to prepare our hearts and homes for the birth of Jesus. What traditions have you made a part of your preparation? Do you use an Advent calendar – homemade or purchased? An Advent Wreath? A Jesse Tree to recall the lineage of Jesus? Do you prepare your family’s manger for Jesus by adding straw for each good deed? Do you gather with others to pray and talk or make “alone time” to prepare for the Birth of the Messiah? Perhaps it is during Advent that you focus on the needs of others. Our one faith community offers many opportunities for everyone to ready the way of the Lord and to offer all that you do as a gift to honor His Birth. Please take look through the bulletin to find ways to help you “Prepare the way of the Lord.”
December Family Faith Formation dates:
Sunday, December 3 at 5 pm at St. John the Baptist
Sunday, December 10 at 9:15 am at St. James
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