Browsing Family Formation and Youth Ministry News

Weekend of August 5 and 6, 2023

"The value of persistent prayer is not that God will hear us, but that we will finally hear God.”


July Family Service

Monday, July 31, was the fourth and final of our July Service Mondays.  We created cards for veterans to be delivered through the Columbia County Dwyer Widows Program.  This program reaches out to veterans who are living alone in their own homes or in care.

We are grateful for all of the families who help to make our small portion of the world a kinder and gentler place.  No matter your size or age, you are the hands and feet of Jesus! Please continue to pray: Generous God, you provide me daily with all I need. Help me to share what I have with those in need.



Beginning in September, we will offer Children’s Liturgy of the Word during Sunday Mass.  Children from ages 4 to 9 will be invited to gather after the Introductory Rites to reflect on the weekly readings.  We are looking for volunteers to be responsible for planning as well as delivering age appropriate material during the 15-minute gathering. 

A reminder that every volunteer working with children must have an up-to-date background check and safe environment training.  Additionally, all those forming faith must be certified by the diocese.  Online training is available.   Please contact Ruth Ellen at 518-758-1828 or email if you are interested in sharing your faith with the younger members of our faith community.


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