"The value of persistent prayer is not that God will hear us, but that we will finally hear God.”
Alleluia! Christ is risen! Christ will come again!
The hopes of the followers of Jesus were realized at His Resurrection. Easter reminds us that we are called to follow His simple message of loving others and loving God above all. How do we love others? How do we love God? Will we be ready when Christ comes again? The weeks following Easter are an opportune time to think about this.
The next Family Faith Formation gathering is Sunday, April 23 at 9:15 am at St. James (the date was incorrect in last week’s bulletin)
Our young people will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Sunday, April 16, at 2 pm at Holy Trinity Church in Hudson. The celebrant will be from Bishop Edward Scharfenberger. Our candidates will be on retreat on Saturday, April 15 at St. Mary’s Academy and have the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Please pray for them as they promise to live the life that their parents chose for them at Baptism.
Our younger people will receive the Sacrament of Eucharist for the first time on Sunday, May 7 at 9:15 am at St. James Church, or Saturday, May 13 at 4 pm at St. John the Baptist Church.
Sidewalk Warriors
Each week your donations to this organization helps a growing number of people. In addition to the brownie, muffin, or cake mixes and canned frosting, people continue to need full-sized boxes of cereal, toilet paper, and paper napkins.
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